In my view, I do not see EMP’s as a strategic threat but a tactical one, a weapon of mass disruption to take down communications in a localized area, a useful adjunct or precursor to an act of catastrophic terrorism. I would not go as far as did today in dismissing the possibility of EMP attacks, I think that is simply unwise. EMP weapons are too cheap to make and too easily asembled here instead of being smuggled into the country to be disregarded lightly. Moreover, our military shift to real time communications ” netwar” makes our military more vulnerable to EMP attacks than a ragtag force hoofing it through the brush with Ak-47’s and grenades.

Stopping EMP attacks on the homeland will depend primarily on keeping terrorists out, breaking up existing sleeper cells and by starting to systemically shield vital networks from EMP effects.

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  1. Chirol:

    Fascinating! And very true. We shouldn’t be worried about something like this in terms of an attack, but in terms of setting up for a bigger one.

  2. bill roggio:

    In order for it to be a strategic threat, it would need to be a nuke detonated at high altitude. This would be considered an attack using WMD and would be responded to in kind.

  3. Anonymous:

    OK you have identified a viable threat, what have you done to prepare for an attack? The east coast power outage a while ago shows how long it takes to get the power back on and they had very little damage to repair. I’m interested in your thoughts on this and the steps you have taken to prepare. LV

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