Preface :
Recently, Dan of tdaxp posted a remarkable essay recently entitled ” Dreaming 5th Generation War “.
Additional, 5GW related links:
Fifth Generation Warfare ? ( Lind)
Fifth Generation Warfare ( anonymous Army CI )
Unto the Fifth Generation of War (Zenpundit)
Go Deep( OODA and the Rainbow of Generational warfare) (tdaxp)
5th Generation War in the OODA Loop (Zenpundit)
5GW ( Coming Anarchy – Younghusband)
Emerging Netwar/Secretwar Tactic: Shareholder activism (tdaxp)
SecretWarriors Walk Without Rhythm, Won’t Attract the Worm (tdaxp)
5GW ( Phatic Communion)
Fifth Generation warfare may not quite be here yet but the concept is certainly fodder for speculative analysis. Dan’s “Dreaming ” post was among his best and his previous OODA/5GW post attracted the attention of at least one field expert, ” Open Source warfare” guru and military analyst John Robb. Possibly another expert as as well by email. That my friends, is the power of horizontal thinking, methodically applied !
Dan has articulated several concepts in his 5GW posts that have genuine resonance. Here is one:
“If traditional war centered on an enemy’s physical strength, and 4GW on his moral strength, the 5th Generation of War would focus on his intellectual strength.”
Consider the evolutionary shift toward managing information flows in real-time as critical variables in terms of economic growth, communication systems and network-centric warfare and you have to consider that Dan may have had an insight of fundamental importance. Not only would it seem to be in synch with conditions emerging for a globalized information economy future but also consistent with principles of warfare from the past:
“Always mystify, mislead and surprise the enemy”
– General Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson
“ Finding a position where you can reach an opponent, realizing when the opponent has not yet determined what to do, you strike directly, as fast as possible, without moving your body or fixing your attention“
– Miyamoto Musashi
“All warfare is based on deception.”
“Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting”
– Sun Tzu
A second major point of Dan’s 5GW concept involes the primacy of secrecy as a tool of war:
” In 5GW, secrecy is vital for success. While this has always been true on some levels, secrecy has never been vital on the grand-strategic level before 5GW. In 5GW the enemy’s knowledge of your existence all but ends your plans.
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