Dr. Barnett on ” SysAdmin ain’t your Daddy’s Military-and that’s Ok“
“The SysAdmin force is waking up to non-lethals in a big way. This is a “new development” and a “revolution in thinking” and a host of other superlatives that indicate that most journalists’ sense of history is frighteningly thin.
…So Zinni was the bureaucratic push within the Marine Corps to start the Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate down in Quantico, Virginia. I’m familiar with that effort, which later morphed into the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, because I, along with Gen. Paul Van Riper and John Nelson, were part of a group of consultants that the Directorate used in the late 1990s to engage in strategic planning, under the guidance of a charismatic former Marine-turned-analyst called Butch Foley. “
Jodi of The Asia Pages on ” The Death of Korea’s Last Prince” on the end of Korea’s Chosun dynasty with the death of the childless heir, Prince Yi Gu:
“It seems to me that while such marriages are often formed out of love, at the end of the day it is duty that defines the relationship. Duty to produce a male heir. Duty to live a role that is perhaps more restricting than is healthy and duty to please everyone but yourself. It seems like a very selfless role, if you ask me and I for one would never want such a job.”
Callimachus of Done With Mirrors on ” The Nazi Slur“:
“But there is something about the Germans’ stagger into darkness in the 1930s that thoughtful Americans can take as a warning. It’s particularly worth our while to study and learn that dreadful wrong turn, and how it happened. And maybe, by keeping the “Nazi” insult alive as the worst one in our cultural vocabulary, the partisan loudmouths are doing us a small favor.”
Rob at BusinessPundit on ” Opportunity Science“. The cognitive phenomena herehas far wider applicability than just entrepreneurship:
“If we look at what differentiates successful entrepreneurs from the unsuccessful ones, the most important craft is opportunity recognition. This is a process that we have learned how to systematize and teach to entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs who have the most success are those who are able to find a real niche in the market that offers enough of a margin to meet their needs and aspirations. Successful entrepreneurs understand the importance of “failing on paper.” They carefully assess their idea to make certain that it has an adequate market and enough profit margin before they ever launch their venture”
That’s it.
July 26th, 2005 at 9:35 pm
Some nice links, thanks.
On the Nazi theme, doesn’t throwing around the term tend to make it meaningless? Even if Bush was guilty of every charge the left has made, from stealing the election to lying to torture, it still doesn’t come anywhere near Hitler. fwiw, I highly recommend the Shoah documentary that PBS aired awhile back.
July 26th, 2005 at 9:41 pm
Hi B.
I agree.The Nazi insult is vastly overused, much like ” Fascist”. Callimachus though had an intelligently conceived contrarian opinion.
Personally, I reserve ” Nazi” for those people who espouse either an admiration for Hitler, extreme anti-semitism or mamage an effectively analagous adaptation of National Socialist ideology to their particular brand of extremism
The Lounsbury:
July 29th, 2005 at 12:41 pm
The entrepreneurship link is excellent, thanks. Very useful for me.
July 31st, 2005 at 5:43 am
Hi Col
Rob is a devotee of “neuromarketing” and neuroscience issues. Drops a fair amount of research links into his posts. Has a start company of his own in Kentucky
October 13th, 2005 at 8:48 pm
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