Blogger thwarted me much of this evening but there were many things that caught my attention – too many in fact – but here are some of the best:
DNI posts an interview with the highly regarded expert strategist Martin van Creveld ( hat tip to John Robb)
“The Strategic Implications of Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Middle East” by Chris Zambelis in Parameters
Brad Plumer has good commentary on ” The Wrath of Khan” cover story in this month’s The Atlantic.
Curtis Gale Weeks the philosophically inclined proprietor of Phatic Communion deconstructs the concept of competing worldviews in ” Triune Disunity”.
Getner Simmons at Regions of Mind has had a sudden burst of posting, well-crafted as always.
Razib at Gene Expression on the economic decision making in Salafi terror networks.
And in a rare departure for me, something new in the online world
Rob at BusinessPundit posts on Ning
That’s it.