A deep military theme today. No comments from me as I am working on something long of my own.

Dan of tdaxp has two posts up today that touch on things Boydian:

“EBO: Effects Based Operations”

“Boydian Phase Changes and Clausewitzian Non-Attrition War”

Jeremiah of Organic Warfare, who is not, shall we say, overfond of the Bush administration, posts on a recent interview with Lt. General Wiliam Odom. General Odom is a former Reagan administration NSA chief and is an advocate of strategic withdrawal from Iraq.

Jon Holdaway of Intel Dump on “ Clamping Down on Interrogators

DNI posts ( PDF) a thought-provoking but sketchy piece from an anonymous author ” Militia: The Dominant Defensive Force of the 21st Century”. (“Fabius Maximus”, called ” The Delayer”, in Roman history was the general who dogged the armies of Hannibal)

Defensetech gets a ” Hat tip” for pointing to the idea of using ” Google” for intelligence.

The Small Wars Journal‘s blog changes locations and format ( and is still evolving). And launches the Small Wars Council !

Challenging the 4GW pessimism of Dr. William Lind and John Robb, Dr. Barnett talks about

” Nation-creating”.

That’s it.

  1. Anonymous:

    “Jeremiah of Organic Warfare, who is not, shall we say, overfond of the Bush administration,”

    LOL to funny – Jeremiah likes his loop closed, aka his comments on his blog, even though he underwrites OODA…

  2. mark:

    Did he drop the comment section again ??

    I generally feel that bloggers should either have comments or not at all. Going back and forth makes you look wobbly.

    There are good reasons for both, such as at high traffic levels you tend to attract lunatics, trolls and internet lifers regardless of your content.

    Kevin Drum once had a thoughtful and interesting comments section which is now almost completely dominated by partisan robots. Tom Barnett dropped comments right off the bat due to the kooks coming out to johnny-one-note foreign policy in his space.

    I’ve greatly enjoyed my commenters and email – learned quite a bit from some of them. I suppose if my traffic was 10x higher I’d have to start actively moderating things to prevent trolls from libelling people so I’d just as soon Zenpundit stay a rarified read. I don’t have the time to play editor to the masses ( I can barely edit my own writing as it is)

  3. Anonymous:

    I agree – there are valid reasons either way – flipping just makes the trolls come back and the contributors go away… (Also, not only does Jeremiah turn them off and on, but he deletes valid comments in the process of flipping on/off.)

    Oh well… You have a great blog Mark, thanks!

  4. Jeremiah:

    Hi gents.

    I just don’t like nor have the time to deal with the peanut gallery of dead-enders, extremists and old regime elements who seem to plague my comments section.

    This is about me lecturing them. Not the other way around. I know what they have to say. It’s not particularly interesting to me. I’ve entertained their viewpoints and discarded them as utter garbage.

    If you want to get in touch with me it’s

    Makes you look wobbly? Just for that, I’ll turn them back on.

    Or not. Maybe I can set up a javascript to turn them off and on randomly per visit.

    I think “Wobbly” might not be a bad way to describe me but in the labor-movement sense of the word. Not too long ago, I was tending toward conservatism. Ironic.

  5. Jeremiah:

    Ok, we’ll compromise.

    I’ve enabled comments but only for members of the blog.

    Right now I’m the only member. I’m ok with that.

  6. Anonymous:

    Imagine Thousands Of Links Back To Your Web Site From Other People’s Blogs!