On another front, establishment Sen. Richard Lugar has introduced a bill to provide a federal shield to journalists from having to reveal their sources. Most states have similar laws. However, federal courts are able to compel testimony in high crimes and national security cases. U.S. courts have not abused this ability, and the rights of U.S. citizens to their elemental safety does trump that of journalists to unrestrained anonymity of sources in exceptional cases.
Sen. Lugar’s bill excludes bloggers from this federal shield, defining journalists as only those operating in the old ways of the mass media. Sen. Lugar admits “this is a special boon for reporters.” However, as industry tradepaper Editor & Publisher observes, “some journalists oppose the popular federal shield proposal … (because of) fear that giving Congress the power to define who is and isn’t a journalist could lead effectively to the licensing of journalists.” www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1001263585.
Another blogger journalist, Roger Simon, points out that such as conservative Michael Barone and liberal David Corn publish in established magazines and also maintain widely read, influential blogs. Which of their reports are to be exempt? Simon asks, “Are they protected by the shield law when they are writing, say, for The Los Angeles Times, but not when they blog? Confusing, isn’t it?” www.rogerlsimon.com/mt-archives/2005/10/lugar_luddite.php.
The Internet news report at CNET raises some other complications in interpreting such legislated definitions. (http://news.com.com/2061-10796_3-5892666.html) It is not possible for even the best of intentioned or best skilled government lawyer to accomplish other than enriching other lawyers at the cost of independent citizens.
The net result (pun intended) of these government attempts would place the freedom of speech of Internet bloggers outside the law, effectively outlawing bloggers and your right to know. Wouldn’t that make our politicians more comfortable in their gerrymandered districts? Wouldn’t that make other nations’ rulers more comfortable in their tyrannies? Undue restrictions on freedom of speech serves imperious rulers, not citizens or democracy.”
The admirable vigilance of Mr. Kesler is the price of liberty. We need to watch our Congressmen closely. Republican or Democrat, both kinds of elected officials are by definition insiders. Some of whom have forgotten where they came from and why they are there.
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