A burst of uber-blogging !
Dan of tdaxp, fresh from his sojourn in China, discusses culture and evolutionary psychology in his post on “Notes on Summer Reading“.
Dave Schuler of The Glittering Eye laments the end of the Brandeis Book Sale ( the Chicago institution that allowed me, back in the day, to build a sizable personal library for pennies on the dollar).
Colonel Austin Bay on “Bolton:”no grand bargain” with Iran“
Dr. Lubos Motl on “Some philosophy: consciousness“.
James McCormick at Chicago Boyz reviews Kurzweil’s The Singularity is Near.
At DNI, A. Scott Crawford on “Regarding “Leadership for the Fourth Generation: Preparing Leaders to Out-Think Our New Enemy”,by Capt Robert Kozloski, USMC“
Kingdaddy at Arms and Influence asks why the Democrats have”Nothing to say“.
Marc Schulman at American Future highlights some satirical mockery of the MSM.
Simon asks ” How well has China governed Hong Kong ?”
Blogroll Addendum:
New to the blogroll…..
Check’em out !
June 14th, 2006 at 12:19 am
What a bunch of great links, thanks!
June 14th, 2006 at 12:41 am
“Nuthin’ but the best! ” :O)