Recommended Reading

Top Billing! Global Guerrillas “Dronenet Series” – DRONENET The next BIG thing. , An open drone network vs. closed logistics networksWhat a Dronet (a more compressed spelling?) can leverage and DRONENET How to build it 

About five years ago I did some work for a defense contractor on the potential applications of drones ($$).  One of the things I put together for them was a logistics system, using drones, for special ops teams.  It was the perfect application for keeping dozens of dispersed teams supplied in rough terrain.

Flash forward five years and I heard a presentation by Matternetat a conference called Poptech.  Matternet is a 2011 start-up that got some play at a “Solve for X” presentation at Google (solve for x is supposed to be a “think tank” for solving the worlds biggest problems).  Essentially, they were pitching the same thing the defense contractor I consulted with was interested in, except for humanitarian uses.  A logistics network that uses drones to overcome the problems of delivering supplies to small groups in harsh terrain (although the defense contractor’s drones and systems were FAR more sophisticated than the stuff Matternet is pitching 4 years later).

However, when I heard Matternet’s presentation it hit me that a closed network approach would miss the real opportunity. Here’s why….

Dr. Tdaxp – Progress, Science, and Exemplars — or — when it sucks to be young 

Some people divide the ways we know about our world into two types, Science and Inquiry. Science typically refers to using falsifiable hypotheses to make predictions about the world. Inquiry refers to any deviation or alteration of this method.


For the rest of this post I’m going to talk about fields in which the objective is tocontrol, predict, and improve the behavior of some object (cancer cell, human being, State, whatever). That is the purpose for which the tool of science is most applicable.

Some people further divide Science into two types: Normal Science and Revolutionary Science. These terms from from Kuhn’s book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Normal Science, in Thomas Kuhn’s original model, was capable of progress but governed by religious-like “paradigms.” Revolutionary Science, likewise in Kuhn’s outdated model, was capable of freedom but incapable of progress….

Michael Yon Online – Some Thoughts About The Kingdom of Thailand 

….Some Red Shirts brought children into their camp even though bullets were flying.  It was dishonorable to bring children into a combat zone.  Images of children killed in war are branded into my memory.

Red Shirt leadership should have ordered that children be taken home.  Press members should not issue a free pass to leaders who allow kids to be brought to combat.  Any journalist who did not report on the children is professionally flawed.

This level of sustained and violent occupation would never have been permitted in the United States.   The first time that a protestor fired an M79 grenade launcher in downtown New York City, popular opinion would have demanded that the police or the Army put them down.

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