Recently, Dr. Daniel Nexon delivered his first video broadcast at The Duck of Minerva. Dan did a nice job for his first time out and while he may not have been as smooth as a CNN talking head he was far more substantive. A couple of weeks previously, Dan of tdaxp was the subject of an an extended podcast interview by Phil Jones which was enlightening and interesting, reminding me somewhat of Dr. Milt Rosenberg’s WGN720 radio show.

It is apparent that blogging is evolving toward a multimedia presentation of personal expression requiring a combination of platforms and media that are called “mash-ups“. What we see today is likely to look crude and primitive five years from now, perhaps less. Even so Bloggers will be wanting tools to organize the flow of information. Here are two:

The first is the GRAZR, the odd window that appeared on my blog margin a while back. My grazr is not currently being utilized to any great extent because I set it only to feed Discover The Rules, a blog for a project with Critt Jarvis, now on the backburner. If I wished, I could have bundles of feeds, podcasts, dynamic reading lists, files and a number of other possible options. There is also a grazr blog for the geek inclined.

Secondly, there’s an open source aggregation manager Blogbridge that also is starting a Blogbridge Feed Library . Even I, with my limited technical aptitude, found Blogbridge easy to begin using. I have not used aggregators all that much in the past because I don’t do news of the day blogging per se but Blogbridge has search tools that can be pre-set for topics I’m interested in and save me time.

Thanks to Critt for connecting me, once again, with new tech ideas.

  1. Daniel Nexon:

    Thanks for the kind words.

  2. mark:

    Anytime Dr. Dan -it was interesting to see a fellow blogger in action instead of just reading the text.

  3. phil jones:

    Wow! Now, I’m flattered 🙂