Trying to Work Out a Technical Problem…..

There will be blog posts this weekend after last week’s slowdown. Right now, however I have a question: Is anyone having problems connecting to using iE ? Firefox seems ok.


  1. Selil:

    According to Newshoggers sites are having issues this morning that have site meter installed. Just as you described.

  2. historyguy99:

    Hi Zen,

    Funny you asked. I had the same problem since last night. also could not access several mutual blog friends, Information Disemination, ect. I could get on other blogger sites, just a few and mine were blocked and noted as not able to connect on iE.  I know that had a note up, that they were having tech problems and some blogs could not post due to being identified as spam? This AM seems to be fixed..

  3. Bob Morris:

    Take out third party java scripts.

  4. Jeffrey:

    I’m posting this from IE7. No problems.

  5. arherring:

    I had problems connecting last night from and this morning from work (2 different OSs, ISPs and verisons of IE), not only here, but also at Soob, Wizards of OZ and Global Guerillas.

    It all seems to be resolved though now.

  6. Dave Dilegge:

    Several minths ago Zenpundit via MIE was kicking my butt.  Of late – no problems.

  7. morgan:

    Tried this morning and got a mesage this morning that Interenet Explorer couldn’t open your web site. This afternoon, no problem.

  8. Younghusband:

    I would have thought anyone smart enough to read Zenpundit would be smart enough not to use IE in the first place. [/snark]

  9. zen:

    Much thanks to everyone and those who emailed. The problem seems to be over now fortunately.  Sitemeter took a beating on this one, deservedly but overall I can’t recall a problem on this scale from them for years. I think they had a total meltdown once from a DoS attack but that’s it.

  10. John M.:

    In case anyone was curious about the specifics of the SiteMeter snag, here is their response to my query:

    Dear John,

    We apologize for the problem this has caused on your website.  We became aware of a compatibility issue with our SiteMeter tracking code and IE 7 (possibly IE 6) browsers that started last night.

    The problem was related to some work we were doing on the backend system for our upcoming website launch.

    We’ve identified and resolved two separate but related issues –

    1 – IE Users viewing pages – There was a problem with users who placed their SiteMeter tracking code outside of their HTML Body Tag. Because of the changes we made this created a failure for visitors viewing sites using Internet Explorer 7.

    2 – Accessing SiteMeter and Stats – Individuals trying to access or view their SiteMeter stats by clicking on their SiteMeter logo/icons were unable to gain access. This again appears to have affected only individuals using IE7.

    At this time both problems have been fixed and our services are fully operational.

    If you have any additional questions please let me know.

    SiteMeter Support

  11. Dave Schuler:

    I gather that that SiteMeter had problems other than the two above that they’ve also fixed which for some reason or other they’re not mentioning.  There were problems reach my site yesterday using IE7 (although there were no problems with IE6), problem 1 above was not the case WRT my site, and the problem has now been resolved.

  12. Sean Meade:

    what Younghusband said