Selil Blog: Google is Evil
With governmental units trying to find all kinds of reasons to acquire records our DNA, we may soon see our own unique genomic code being used in massive databases to the financial benefit everyone else who can pay for the aggregation of data and to our own disadvantage. Corporations and government bureaucrats using such information (or misusing it, leaking it, altering it, deleting some of it) to make life-altering decisions for individuals or groups, most likely in secret, without notification or review. Can’t happen? Think about the shenanigans that can be inflicted (and are) upon critics and political opponents with the data already at the government’s disposal by vindictive idiots with access .
Does that worry you ?
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February 9th, 2009 at 4:59 pm
Not that much, really, because it’s all speculation at this point. If that sort of thing starts happening, then I’ll worry. But I’m not going to go all dystopian just because something could happen. For all we know, tomorrow we might wake up and find that the sky is now puce with lime green polka-dots. I don’t get scared over the possibilities; I try to reserve my fear and anxiety for stuff that will probably happen.
February 10th, 2009 at 6:28 am
Hi Patton,
Everything is speculative at some point. Winter was speculative to the grasshopper but not to the ants 🙂