I rarely blog on domestic politics but I pontificated on this eventuallity way back on April 11th. Barring some humiliating or legal scandal ( Arnold’s zest for life is legendary in the bodybuilding community) I predict a Schwarzenegger victory by a healthy margin.

Arnold is a popular media figure who revels in poking fun at his own ” Terminator ” action hero image, clowning around during TV interviews and donating significant amounts of time to charitable causes like the Special Olympics. However there is another side to Schwarzenegger – a ruthless and monomaniacal competitor who is driven to win, be the best and conquer new worlds. Arnold’s apparent about-face on running for governor of California which left close friend Richard Riordan twisting in the wind after the Tonight Show was textbook Schwarzenegger.

Arnold, who was a millionaire from real estate deals and bodybuilding promotions even before his action films began grossing billions could hypothetically flood the California media markets with campaign ads and simply drown out his multitude of opponents, one of whom already exited the race in tears. Democratic leaders appear to be at a loss as to what to do to stop Schwarzenegger who can be expected to be as aggressively dominating onstage with the other serious candidates and who can be expected to follow a populist-moderate campaign modelled on the successful run of Jesse ” the Body”Ventura, the former governor of Minnesota and ex-WWF wrestling star.

Californians should buckle their seats.