WITH ALL DUE RESPECT TO TOM SPENCER: I’m not sure what he would consider a ” material breach ” of 1441 by the Iraqis. Not refusing to give up 10,000 liters of anthrax. Not rocket bomblets for CB WMD. Not undeclared radio controlled drones with 7 meter wingspans and chemical tanks. Not possessing tactical ballistic missiles with illegal ranges. Not importing chemicals useful only for solid fuel ICBM programs. Not threating Iraqi nuclear scientists with lavish torture of their children if they cooperate with UNMOVIC inspectors. I fence with Tom all the time on his blog,usually good-naturedly and I’ve exchanged emails with him – I can attest that he’s a good guy but I can’t for the life of me figure out ( other than replacing W with a random Democrat ) what Tom would need to consider using force to disarm Saddam Hussein. If Tom has ever argued that Saddam having WMD is a good thing I’ve missed it but by default he appears to believe that the logical consequences that would flow from the U.S. not invading Iraq- the inspections/sanctions process crumbles, Saddam builds all the WMD he pleases – is tolerable.