“Atrios’s whole fucking point was that opinions like the one expressed in Drum’s earlier post do NOT facilitate “conversation” but rather limit it to a very narrow range of acceptable viewpoints.
Kevin Drum: the Joe Lieberman of the blogosphere.”
“I had two thoughts in opposing the Afghan War:1) It is Pashtun tradition that when a man asks another for shelter, then shelter MUST be given, it’s a matter of personal honor. If bin Laden was being hosted under Nanawatai, then some degree of sensitivity on our part was called for. Bush displayed a gross ignorance for the culture of the Afghans. There was a chance this could have been resolved peacefully. Afghans, in general, were VERY distrustful of foreigners.”
“Fuck you, Lieberman-wannabe.”
The tone of the conversation, where the name of a moderately liberal Jew known for his dedication to public service is invoked as an epithet, is not a good indication of rationality – or for that matter, liberality – on the part of people claiming to be ” liberals “. These folks however really are not liberals so much as they are Leftists who happen to vote Democratic.
And they appear to be the future of the Democratic Party unless the real liberals – those in the tradition of Harry Truman, Adlai Stevenson, Robert Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey – align themmselves with moderates to take the world’s oldest political party out of the hands of the Hate-America, Chomskyian, lunatics.
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Dave Schuler:
December 7th, 2004 at 3:57 am
I think the process that’s going on in the Democratic Party is a useful one. We’re finally getting a bright line distinction between the liberals in the party and the just plain Leftists. Whether there will still be a viable party when the dust has settled remains to be seen.
Marc Schulman:
December 7th, 2004 at 4:05 am
I second what Dave just said. Along these lines, note that the DLC has joined a host of Republicans in calling for Kofi’s resignation. One’s stance on Kofi may prove to be a good litmus test to distinguish between centrist-Democrats and left-Democrats. I’m waiting to see what, if anything, Kerry and Howard Dean have to say.
December 8th, 2004 at 1:03 am
I always feel kind of sorry for Kevin, yet amused at the same time. I stopped reading him when election season started up and he moved to the Washington Mothly because he become increasingly mean-spirited and hackish. He has a clientele that reads his blog for part of their daily Bush-bashing fix, but every time he starts making noises that don’t sound like the Party Line they all go for his throat. Well, reaping what you sow, etc. I’m just wondering how long it’s going to take him to close the comment section.
This is the intolerant left eating their seed corn. As long as they keep attacking their own for wandering off the reservation, they are going to keep losing. As Dave says this sort of show is useful in a grim sort of way, but that’s like saying hardline Wahabbists are useful for drawing the disctinction between them and moderate Muslims. It would nevertheless be better if there were far fewer of them.
— Matt McIntosh
Dave Schuler:
December 8th, 2004 at 1:38 am
Thanks for that comment, Matt. That was exactly my experience with Drum. When he posted on Calpundit I read him every day. When he moved to Washington Monthly I just couldn’t face it any more.
December 8th, 2004 at 4:36 am
I have to concur with Matt and Dave. While I read Kevin’s stuff I only rarely venture into the comment section anymore – too many robotic Bush-haters there now to have an intelligent debate. If Kevin kills his comments section it will be no loss in my opinion. A shame because there used to be some extremely bright ppl hanging out there.
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