Dave Schuler’s colloquium on Iraq has formally begun !
Here’s a snippet:
The opening contributions in the colloquium are from James Hamilton, Michael Cook and Shivaji Sondhi, and Rasheed Abou Al-Samh.
In his contribution James Hamilton makes the case that creating an economic system in Iraq that generates jobs and incomes, particularly for the Sunni Arabs of Iraq, is as important as military action or political reconciliation in the country.
In his contribution Rasheed Abou Al-Samh hones in on the concerns of Saudis at the plight of Sunni Arabs and the prospect of a Sunni-Shi’a conflict in the Middle East.
Shivaj Sondhi and Michael Cook propose that the United States focus on reassuring the Sunnis into accepting a regional solution to their aspirations in Iraq – specifically, that it underwrite a deal in which the Sunnis secure their provinces in return for their share of national oil revenues.”
Go to The Glittering Eye to read Part I. :
December 16th, 2006 at 9:16 pm
the neo cons: often clever, never wise
-can’t remeber who said it
December 16th, 2006 at 11:18 pm
Who isn’t a neocon in your view ?
Dave Schuler:
December 17th, 2006 at 3:39 pm
Well, none of my contributors are (as best as I can tell) and, certainly, I’m not.
December 19th, 2006 at 9:24 pm
My Apologies. I was thinking of mr ShuleMAN of