Courtesy of tech business guru Dave Davison of Thoughts Illustrated, I encourage you to check out Shelfari – a new social networking site for serious readers. I began constructing “my shelf” this morning, though despite Shelfari’s user-friendly app it is going to take some time to get even a reasonable percentage of my collection up online, given the volume of books.
Tailor made for a number of my blogfriends. :O)
December 17th, 2006 at 6:04 pm
Impressive shelf; impressive site.
Just a thought, you know, the book I might be interested in would be the one with your favorite “hits” from the web. There are some really great conversations, I have found, going on out there, no matter who participated in them. I would be interested in the more interesting, funny, sad, or provocative ones you, and other people like you, have notice in your travels. Perhaps they could be put on your shelf?
December 17th, 2006 at 8:02 pm
Which book Larry? PNM ? Global Brain?
More Shelfari to come…
December 17th, 2006 at 8:48 pm
A very cool site! My shelf is up.
December 17th, 2006 at 10:02 pm
Incredible site. I’m working on my shelf as we speak. I can’t wait to get some more great book ideas from your shelf and those of others.
December 18th, 2006 at 4:19 am
“Which book Larry? PNM ? Global Brain?”
Naw, I was thinking about the one you could write. Possibly taking historical discussion content off the web and applying it to past events. You must have read some pretty good discussions on your blog and others, which might make for a good book. While this seems counter logic, I think people in the US are simply too busy to read about what is going on the web. I think the average American would be amazed at some of the comments
going on. I was just thinking of something more substantial than “bookmarks” and “favorites”. While a meme is a replicator, I would think that a “map” showing where you have been and where you’re going would be interesting.
December 18th, 2006 at 12:04 pm
Created my own last night too but I see you’ve already found me!
December 18th, 2006 at 3:03 pm
Hey Larry,
That’s a really great book idea, one I think the public is ready for. I think however it will take a ” name” blogger to pull that off in terms of market perspective in the eyes of most publishers.
I have a super-high quality niche in terms of readership but a book like that requires a critical mass of numbers that I simply do not have at Zenpundit.
Chirol – started tagging !!
December 19th, 2006 at 2:01 am
Hmm, this looks really interesting. May try it tonight.
December 19th, 2006 at 2:16 am
Ha! The network grows…
Bonus points for Miss eerie if she gets Collounsbury to sign up as well.
Adding more books later tonight…
December 19th, 2006 at 4:34 am
Col is a bloody dinosaur. Once I tried to get him to use instant messaging…bah, I don’t even want to talk about it.
Actually, he did get hooked briefly on Wikipedia, so perhaps worth a shot.
December 20th, 2006 at 1:26 am
LibraryThing is a hell of a lot better than shelfari. More people. More options. Easier use. The social networking and recommendation software seems to be a lot more accurate on librarything as well.