Recommended Reading

It’s late, so I’ll do this quickly:

Top Billing! Art HutchinsonPreparing One’s Mind to See

Great post by Art on perception and our mental constructs through which we filter reality. Many points of interest to consider in light of Boyd’s OODA Loop. Things in which Dr. Chet and Dan of tdaxp would be interested

Insurgency Research GroupMilitias, Tribes and Insurgents: The Challenge of Political Reintegration in Iraq

Hidden Unities“If You’re An American… You’re An American”

Chicago Boyz ( David Foster) – Obamian Acolytes vs Joe the Plumber

A wide-ranging debate over history and the limits of free speech at Progressive Historians

CTLab (Michael Innes) – Readings of Note

MountainRunner Arming for the Second War of Ideas: the Department of Global Affairs

SWJ BlogDave’s rant along with Mediating Between Crusaders and Conservatives

That’s it…because I’m tired and have to get up in five hours.

3 comments on this post.
  1. Art Hutchinson:

    Wow. Thanks, ZP! It’s good to be back in the game.

  2. Eddie:

    Honored to make the cut…. Thank you Mark!
    (Dave’s rant is great for Monday AM reading)

  3. Wiggins:

    Couldn’t agree more on Art’s post.  I’ve already spun some OODA connections to it: