Recommended Reading ( and Viewing)

Top Billing!: John HagelPareto Power and Leveraged Growth and Pareto Paring – Achieving Strategic Cost Reduction

The “Pareto Curve” of Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto is bettern known in the blogosphere as “The Long Tail” due to Chris Anderson of WIRED who wrote the recent bestseller The Long Tail, (Revised and Updated) and Nassim Nicolas Taleb‘s  The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable which expounded on “Black Swan” events occuring on the “Extremistan” end of Pareto’s distribution curve.  The Pareto Curve has powerful applications, particularly well in a globalized, information economy, environment and John Hagel is, for me, always an educational read.

Scientific AmericanEvolution of the Mind: 4 Fallacies of Psychology and The Future of Man–How Will Evolution Change Humans?

“…Harpending and Hawks’s team estimated that over the past 10,000 years humans have evolved as much as 100 times faster than at any other time since the split of the earliest hominid from the ancestors of modern chimpanzees. The team attributed the quickening pace to the variety of environments humans moved into and the changes in living conditions brought about by agriculture and cities”

Lexington Green

John Robb – Fewer Teachers more Automation

I want to tackle this post in detail later.

Fabius Maximus“Some people just want to see the world burn”

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