To what End?

So, the first question I have to ask all of us — I have to ask myself this very, very carefully — Are we ready see that we did not understand God’s plan altogether? Are we ready to stand back and wait and do some more studying and recognize that maybe God is not finished with bringing salvation to the world.

As a matter of fact, we know that only about a third of the world had ever heard of the Bible before five months ago. Now by God’s mercy through the actions of Family Radio, as stupid as some may think they may have been, as incorrect as some may think they may have been, yet they all fit into a part of a plan where now the whole world has heard about the Bible. They’ve heard about the God of the Bible. God now is ready for the next action based on that kind of information, what will that be?

And that is where we have to start our thinking. We have to begin to think it out, “How does all of that impact our future teaching of the Bible?” And so, in our next study, we’re going to begin to examine that. Thank you very much.


And so the wheel turns, the road goes ever on.

Does it?

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  1. Charles Cameron:

    Here’s Richard Danzig, from his CNAS report Driving in the Dark: Ten Propositions About Prediction and National Security

    Prediction lies at the root of all strategic thinking. Indeed, it underlies most everyday decisions. People stop at red lights and proceed on green because they can predict consequences associated with these signals. However, whereas routine, short-term predictions are generally right, strategic judgments about future environments are often, one might say predictably, wrong.

    Systematically, even?
    And to what extent is this the result of willful blindness, to doctrinaire or silo’d thinking, to an absence of feedback loops… why… in other words?

  2. zen:

    I wonder about very long term predictions? Napoleon foresaw China’s eventual rise, for example. Hmmmm……

  3. Charles Cameron:

    Hi Zen:
    I’m guessing that your "very long term predictions" would by their nature be "grand sweeps" with very little specificity, and I’d imagine those might work out fairly well on occasion.
    What I find even more curious is Frank Herbert‘s ability to recognize the oil / desert / ecology / major powers / jihad / Mahdi complex — back between 1957 and 1965, while Dune was a-brewing.