Groundhog Day in Nietzsche and Hadith

[ by Charles Cameron — food for thought, not an endorsement of film, philosopher or hadith ]


This pair of quotes came together in my recent reading:

SPEC DQ format




  • Ferdinando Buscema, Use playing cards to remind yourself that you are going to die
  • Sahih Bukhari, Jihad in the Hadith

    1. dreamtimer:

      I always admired Nietzsche for his brilliance but I never shared his obsession for the great circle. He was the prototypical “free thinker” who neither gives the social body weaved by his contemporaries nor the opinions of his ancestors, the traditions, his due but his metaphysics remained classicist: an Euclidean, spherical and geocentric space. In this respect he was more a man of the middle ages than one of modernity. Of course I don’t blame him for not being a contemporary of Einstein, Hubble, Poincaré; Gödel or hardly even Cantor, but it is a bit disappointing that there are no good vibes between him and them.

      I’m not sure if there is even an earth in Islam? All I see is the distinction between the desert (world) and garden/oasis (paradise). It is a reflection of regional geography and an agoraphobia which can be extended allegorically.