The chyron blizzard continues, 17
[ by Charles Cameron — Netanyahu parallel’s Trump on witch-hunt defense and many other things ]
All In, Chris Hayes:
Michael Cohen clip:
There’s just so many dots that all seem to lead to the same direction
Elijah Cummings
When we’re dancing wth the angels, the question will be asked, in 2019 what did we do to make sure we kept our democracy intact.
Chris Hayes to Ro Khanna:
What is your response when they try to sort of gaslight us all that way?
Ro Khanna:
You don’t have to believe a word Cohen says, he has smoking gun evidence
The barrage of lies is so constant, creates a kind of noise, a sort of noise, it sort of can hollowv out peoples memories ..
Michelle Goldberg:
..The epistemological terrorism that the Trump administration practices on us every day to keep us in this state of kind of derangement and feeling slightly off-center and not being able to get your bearings in this moment..
Michael Steele:
Even hustlers have strategy.Even hustlers have strategy [ .. ]
Again, if you wantto deconstruct the administrative state, it starts with deconstruct the way you think and the way that you perceive reality [ .. ]
You throw a little more miasma in the miasma, and you’re ready to go [ .. ]
You don’t want to be the Democrat out there swinging from that limb, to have it sawed off, not by Republicans but by other Democrats
You might go out on a limb to say, Let’s indict him for being a Russian asset, but you’re not going out on a limb to say he was part of a criminal conspiracy involving campaign finance reform and that he probably wouldn’t have been elected President absent this crime
Returning you to your usual programming:
Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu is about to be indicted for fraud and bribery — a man whose father was the great historian Benzion Netanyahu, author of the monumental Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth Century Spain, while his elder brother was the IDF officer who commanded the Sayeret Matkal commandos in the 1976 Entebbe raid, and its only casualty.
Impeachment discussion:
Dan Froomkin:
I’m really disappointed in the coverage of the tpic of impeachment in the mainstream media. They tend to cover it as a sort of horse race, as a political story about optics
A few other random items:
Ari Melber to Hardball:
You’ve got the baton
Unsure, but good:
You don’t punish rich people. They just go on longer vacations and buy Picassos.
Metastatic zing
AM Joy:
Gabriel Sherman:
The problem is, the Republican party has been taken over by this cult of personality of a reality TV show.
It’s incredible and extraordinary this is not like hair on fire, the top story all day every day everywhere.
Language! Shocking!
Alexi McCammond:
You can say a lot without saying a lot of words
Virginia Heffernan:
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