Venezuela: The Body Politic

[ by Charles Cameron — zen mind would be blanker than mine, but mine’s getting pretty blank — evidence in the post below ]


I’m DoubleQuoting that with:



  • Jon Lee Anderson, Venezuela’s Two Presidents Collide
  • Michael Gazzaniga, Why do some people have ‘two brains’?
  • **

    So the body politic of Venezuela is currently of two minds.

  • Think about what you know of the two hemispheres
  • Think about what you know of schizophrenia
  • Think about what you know of the King’s Two Bodies
  • That’s a nudge. You may well be able to think thoughts along these lines far better than I. Ergo, I won’t do your thinking for you. Besides, if I did, I’d need to do three whole heaps of research, and my library is in storage, my mind in limbo.



    How anyone can conflate, or almost conflate, schizophrenia with lateral specialization with Kantorowicz’ theory of monarchy is, frankly, beyond me. But I’ve tried.