Taking a knee, reasoning together

[ by Charles Cameron, Colin Kaepernick with US Army Veteran Nate Boyer in conversation, Isaiah approving IMO – a Sunday surprise ]


Colin Kaepernick with US Army Veteran Nate Boyer in conversation —

It was US Army veteran Nate Boyer who suggested to Kaepernick to take a knee as a sign of respect


Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD..

Isaiah 1. 18

  1. Sidney Fitts:

    Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18

  2. Charles Cameron:

    Indeed, it is the LORD who invites us to reason together, and reasoning together with our fellow mortals is something of a lesser sort.

  3. Jim Gant:

    Charles, A prayer for you and all you hold dear.

    My country is not my King.
    But, oh!
    I pray for thee.

    Yes, yes. Let’s take a knee and reason – Together.
    Thanks for everything.

  4. Charles Cameron:

    Very good to hear from you, Jim. What part of the world are you in these days? If I had nation-sized compassion, I’d surely weep for the current condition of these much loved States. As it is, I’m feeling compassion for, and witnessing great compassion from, those all around me. What can I say? The terrible is nothing terrible, as it approaches. May I reciprocate your prayers to the letter?

  5. Sally Benzon:

    Hi, Charles,

    I’ve been thinking of you. Jim’s prayer is very beautiful.


  6. Charles Cameron:

    Do you know Jim’s story, Sally? It’s told in American Spartan: The Promise, the Mission, and the Betrayal –I can’t get the URL function to work here, but it’s available on Amazon and no doubt elsewhere.

  7. Sally Benzon:

    Ahh! Now I know why Jim’s name sounded familiar. Courageous man.

  8. Charles Cameron:

    Something of a hero around here..

  9. Sally Benzon:

    Yes, hero, for sure.