Book Review: JM Berger’s Jihad Joe

Berger’s is a book to read, certainly — and more significantly perhaps, a book to admire.

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  1. J.ScottShipman:

    Hi Charles, Excellent review! Proof once again of the power of emotion/feeling to motivate. Like the old saw: people will forget what you said, but they’ll never forget the way you made them feel. Well done, sir!

  2. onparkstreet:

    I started Berger’s book but got sidetracked. Looking forward to getting back to it once I get a chance.
    Second J. Scott: thanks for the review!
    This is a tough subject for me because I have precisely zero sympathy for the whole feeling guilty about only one set of minorities thing. Hey, when you’re a different version of brown, you resent it. It doesn’t seem to be about justice but about tribalism, sometimes….
    – Madhu