A difficulty with DoubleQuotes

Similarity and dissimilarity, likeness and unlikeness appear to me to find themselves on a spectrum which approximates closely to identity at one end — but if two things are identical, how can they be two? — and absolute distinction at the other.

Yet the difference beween homoousion and homoiousion was decided in favor of homoousion at the Council of Nicea, a decision which one writer calls a “bloodless intellectual victory over dangerous error” and “of far greater consequence to the progress of true civilization, than all the bloody victories Constantine and his successors.”

And okay, there’s more to it, as always…


Dogs and ostriches, apples and oranges — what’s the diff, eh?

And G*d knows best.

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  1. Bill Benzon:

    And, yes, this is the article I linked to in my post. I suppose we both got there from 3QD.