Nuclear sites and religion, flags and clouds

Here’s the brief video from which that cloud-image was taken:

h/t Jacob DeFlitch

Note also the resemblance to what is probably my personal favorite DoubleQuote, comparing & contrasting van Gogh‘s night sky and von Kármán‘s vortex street:


It may be worth adding that the Buddha is not above using cloud metaphors, as this celebrated verse from the Diamond Sutra, here in Red Pine‘s translation, illustrates:

As a lamp, a cataract, a star in space

an illusion, a dewdrop, a bubble

a dream, a cloud, a flash of lightning

view all created things like this.

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  1. Cheryl Rofer:

    Hi Charles –
    So much in that comparison between the HEUMF and Albi Cathedral! Not gonna try to work it all out now.
    I have a photo of clouds like that in New Mexico, too. It’s a colder airmass below, being swept up into a warmer airmass.