Wittgenstein’s language games and the public sphere
May 7th, 2018 by Charles Cameron
The Washington Post’s account of Giuliani’s interview noted the remark in a single sentence, in the 30th paragraph of its story. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Politico accounts of Giuliani’s interview did not even mention the stormtrooper remark at all.
There are times I wish for sanity.
Okay, that was third and last in this series.. Previously:
On negative space in the painting..On negative space, private morality in the public squareThis:
Wittgenstein’s language games and the public spherePage 2 of 2 | Previous page
Posted in Charles Cameron, donald trump, game theory, games, language, media, media literacy, mueller, nothing, philosophy, series, Uncategorized, witty wittgenstein, zero | Comments Off on Wittgenstein’s language games and the public sphere
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