Archive for the 'analytic'
September 10th, 2012 by zen
“Clausewitz wants us to accept the...
Read morePosted in academia, analogy, analytic, Clausewitzian, historians, historiography, history, ideas, intellectuals, Perception, philosophy, social science, strategy, Strategy and War, theory, Uncategorized, war | 10 comments
September 3rd, 2012 by zen
There is quite a buzz going in mil and defense...
Read morePosted in #FAIL, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 21st century, Afghanistan, analytic, blogosphere, CNAS, COIN, counterinsurgency, counterpoint, defense, fisking, government, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, military, military reform, national security, politics, Strategy and War | 26 comments
August 31st, 2012 by zen
Professor Harvey C. Mansfield of Harvard...
Read morePosted in academia, America, analytic, ancient history, democracy, government, Oligarchy, philosophy, politics, society, theory, Uncategorized | 8 comments
August 23rd, 2012 by zen
It appears that the Pentagon no longer intends to...
Read morePosted in 20th century, 21st century, academia, Air Force, America, analytic, army, cognition, defense, education, Epistemology, Failed State, government, history, ideas, military, military reform, national security, navy, organizations, Patterns, politics, security, strategy, Strategy and War, Tactics, teaching, USMC, war | 34 comments
August 12th, 2012 by zen
An interesting piece in Democracy Journal by...
Read morePosted in academia, analytic, culture, dystopia, economic determinism, economics, Evolution, government, history, ideas, intellectuals, leadership, Oligarchy, philosophy, politics, social science, society, state failure, theory | 1 comment
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