A touch of fellow-feeling, perhaps?

[ by Charles Cameron — Master Zenpundit echoing Master Rainer Maria Rilke ]


Zen (upper panel) this morning on FaceBook:

And Rilke (lower panel) speaking into the “maddening wind” (the Föhn) on the cliffs by Schloss Duino:

Or maybe Shakespeare can give us a no less powerful comparison?

Sound and fury, signifying nothing?


On the one hand, it’s the human condition, at least in these modern times: too much noise drowns out the signal… On the other, the occasional word belted into the wind does get through, eh? Or so we hope…

That’s why we blog.

  1. zen:

    Thanks’s Charles! My exasperated nonsense sounds much better when expressed by a poet!

  2. Charles Cameron:

    Most welcome — and hey, even his fellow poets wish they could sound like Rilke!