October 24th, 2010 by zen
Andrew Exum on negotiation in AfPakland in...
Read morePosted in 4GW, Afghanistan, America, analytic, CNAS, COIN, counterinsurgency, diplomacy, foreign policy, government, history, insurgency, intellectuals, islam.insurgency, islamic world, islamist, military, national security, non-state actors, pakistan, war | 2 comments
October 21st, 2010 by zen
J. Scott Shipman is the owner of a boutique...
Read morePosted in 4GW, 5GW, book, Boyd 2010, business, Character, cognition, COIN, complex systems, complexity, counterinsurgency, ideas, insight, insurgency, intellectuals, intelligence, john boyd, metacognition, military, military history, military reform, national security, Perception, psychology, social science, strategy, Strategy and War, superempowered individuals, Tactics, theory, uncertainty | 9 comments
October 15th, 2010 by zen
Charles Cameron is the regular guest-blogger at...
Read morePosted in 4GW, academia, Afghanistan, al qaida, analytic, Charles Cameron, cultural intelligence, extremists, horizontal thinking, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, intelligence, IO, islam.insurgency, islamic world, islamist, mideast, non-state actors, propaganda, psychology, Religion, social science, terrorism, Theology, theory, Viral, visualization | 4 comments
September 28th, 2010 by zen
Good friend and co-author Michael Lotus, a.k.a....
Read morePosted in America, analogy, analytic, authors, chicago boyz, conservativism, culture, democracy, democratic party, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, lexington green, Liberalism, networks, Oligarchy, open-source, organizations, politics, primary loyalties, Republic, republican party | 10 comments
September 28th, 2010 by zen
For reasons that are obscure to me, a staffer at...
Read morePosted in Afghanistan, army, Failed State, insurgency, islamic world, media, war | 10 comments