July 29th, 2012 by zen
Some astute observations on COIN practice from...
Read morePosted in analytic, blogosphere, COIN, counterinsurgency, Failed State, government, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, legitimacy, military, military contractor, military history, non-state actors, Oligarchy, politics, reform, security, strategy, Strategy and War, Tactics, theory, war, warriors | 2 comments
July 24th, 2012 by zen
The latest in the series of COIN interviews by...
Read morePosted in COIN, counterinsurgency, cultural intelligence, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, small wars journal, Strategy and War, swj blog, Tactics, theory, war, warriors | Comments Off on SWJ: Manea interviews Fernando Lujan
July 23rd, 2012 by J.ScottShipman
Posted in 20th century, 21st century, 9/11, academia, ahmadinejad, al qaida, America, Apocalyptic, Arab Spring, barack obama, diplomacy, diplomatic history, elections, Failed State, foreign policy, Hamas, hezbollah, history, international law, iran, iraq, J. Scott Shipman, military, military history, military intelligence, national security, natiuon-building, navy, politics, propaganda, recommended reading, security, state building, state department, state terrorism, Tactics, terrorism, Uncategorized, war | 6 comments
July 19th, 2012 by zen
Blogfriend, Dr. Venkat Rao had an intriguing post...
Read morePosted in Adaptability, analytic, Epistemology, history, ideas, intellectuals, metacognition, military, Perception, strategy, Tactics, Vietnam War, war | 4 comments
July 12th, 2012 by zen
Russian President Vladimir Putin made a foreign...
Read morePosted in 2012, 21st century, analytic, Arab Spring, arab world, dictator, diplomacy, foreign policy, geopolitics, intellectuals, international law, national security, putin, R2P, russia, state department, strategy, syria, Tactics | 8 comments