October 9th, 2012 by zen
“War is more than a true chameleon that...
Read morePosted in academia, analytic, cognition, Collaboration, counterintuitive, creativity, ideas, innovation, insight, intellectuals, intelligence, military, Musings, philosophy, psychology, question, Questions, readers, strategy, Strategy and War, theory | 15 comments
September 4th, 2012 by J.ScottShipman
Posted in 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, Adaptability, Alfred Thayer Mahan, anglosphere, Clausewitzian, cognition, consilience, core, defense, diplomatic history, education, geopolitics, globalization, insight, intelligence, J. Scott Shipman, military history, military professionalism, military training & education, navy, politics, recommended reading, security, strategist, strategy, Strategy and War, Tactics, theory | 10 comments
July 16th, 2012 by Charles Cameron
Posted in anthropology, ceremonial, India, insight, insurgency, monasticism, navy, psychology, scriptures, Uncategorized, Y2K | 4 comments
July 3rd, 2012 by Charles Cameron
Posted in art, art history, cognitive goods, counterintuitive, creativity, cultural intelligence, games, innovation, insight, intelligence, literature, logic, medici effect, meme, memory, model, pattern language, Patterns, peace, Perception, psychology, seed, Sembl, simulation, Uncategorized | Comments Off on The best war game is a library of windows
June 22nd, 2012 by zen
Recently, commenter L.C. Rees brought to our...
Read morePosted in academia, analytic, bias, CIA, cognition, IC, insight, intellectuals, intelligence | 2 comments