June 17th, 2013 by zen
Alexander The Great by Robin Lane...
Read morePosted in 20th century, academia, ancient history, authors, biography, book, historians, historiography, history, IC, reading | 2 comments
June 4th, 2013 by zen
An old Border’s location near where I live...
Read morePosted in book, comics, culture, fun, personal, reading | 4 comments
May 31st, 2013 by zen
America 3.0 From Chicago Boyz: America 3.0:...
Read morePosted in 15th century, 16th century, 17th century, 18th century, 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, America, America 3.0, analytic, anthropology, authors, blog-friends, book, chicago boyz, conservativism, cultural intelligence, culture, democracy, economics, futurism, government, historiography, history, lexington green, national debt, Patterns, politics, reading, reform, social science, society, synthesis, youtube | 1 comment
May 21st, 2013 by zen
America 3.0: Rebooting American Prosperity in the...
Read morePosted in 2013, 21st century, America, analytic, anglosphere, anthropology, authors, barone, blog-friends, blogosphere, book, britain, business, capitalism, change, chicago boyz, cultural intelligence, culture, defense, democracy, economics, education, Evolution, fiscal conservatism, foreign policy, futurism, globalization, government, historiography, history, horizontal thinking, ideas, innovation, intellectuals, justice, leadership, legitimacy, lexington green, military, military reform, national debt, national security, politics, reading, reform, Republic, resilience, rule-sets, science, security, social science, social services, society, strategy, synthesis, theory, Writing | 9 comments
May 10th, 2013 by zen
Adam Elkus has a lengthy and meaty post at Abu...
Read morePosted in A.E., academia, analytic, ancient history, book, historians, history, intellectuals, military, military history, politics, reading, social science, strategy, Strategy and War, Tactics, war, warriors | 12 comments