Archive for the 'defense'
May 23rd, 2013 by J.ScottShipman
Posted in 20th century, 21st century, America, asymmetric, book, defense, deterrence, Falklands War, J. Scott Shipman, military history, military professionalism, military reform, navy, Network-centric Warfare, recommended reading, strategy, Strategy and War, Tactics, Uncategorized, warriors | 18 comments
May 22nd, 2013 by Charles Cameron
Posted in America, Charles Cameron, defense, global warming, national security, science, small wars journal, threat, Uncategorized, weather | 14 comments
May 21st, 2013 by zen
America 3.0: Rebooting American Prosperity in the...
Read morePosted in 2013, 21st century, America, analytic, anglosphere, anthropology, authors, barone, blog-friends, blogosphere, book, britain, business, capitalism, change, chicago boyz, cultural intelligence, culture, defense, democracy, economics, education, Evolution, fiscal conservatism, foreign policy, futurism, globalization, government, historiography, history, horizontal thinking, ideas, innovation, intellectuals, justice, leadership, legitimacy, lexington green, military, military reform, national debt, national security, politics, reading, reform, Republic, resilience, rule-sets, science, security, social science, social services, society, strategy, synthesis, theory, Writing | 9 comments
February 11th, 2013 by zen
Someone for reasons unknown last week leaked the...
Read morePosted in 2013, 21st century, academia, Air Force, al qaida, America, analytic, CIA, counterterrorism, debate, defense, democracy, drones, foreign policy, framing, government, history, IC, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, intelligence, international law, law enforcement, legal, legitimacy, military, national security, non-state actors, politics, SCOTUS, security, Strategy and War, Tactics, terrorism, theory, war | 14 comments
February 3rd, 2013 by zen
An excellent op-ed in the Washington Post by...
Read morePosted in 2013, 21st century, 9/11, academia, defense, government, history, ideas, intellectuals, Oligarchy, Patterns, Perception, politics, society, state failure, war, warriors | 24 comments
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