Archive for the 'DIME'
February 14th, 2011 by zen
The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire by...
Read morePosted in academia, analytic, ancient history, authors, book, DIME, history, ideas, intellectuals, military, reading, strategist, strategy, Strategy and War, war | 2 comments
February 10th, 2011 by zen
By that, I mean contemporary,...
Read morePosted in Afghanistan, analytic, COIN, counterinsurgency, defense, DIME, Failed State, foreign policy, government, ideas, insurgency, Mexico, military, military reform, national security, Questions, social science, strategy, Strategy and War, swj blog, theory, war | 10 comments
February 9th, 2011 by zen
Posted in America, analytic, cold war, DIME, diplomatic history, foreign policy, geopolitics, government, history, IC, intelligence, national security, politics, russia, security, soviet union, strategy, Tactics | Comments Off on NSDD-32 as Ronald Reagan’s Grand Strategy
January 8th, 2011 by Charles Cameron
Posted in Afghanistan, ahmadinejad, al qaida, analytic, Charles Cameron, christianity, CIA, DIME, extremists, foreign policy, geopolitics, IC, iran, iraq, islamic world, islamist, military intelligence, national security, non-state actors, pakistan, Religion, revolution, state department, Theology, Uncategorized | 3 comments
December 23rd, 2010 by zen
The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire by...
Read morePosted in academia, analytic, ancient history, authors, book, DIME, diplomacy, diplomatic history, empire, history, ideas, intellectuals, military history, roman empire, social science, strategy, Strategy and War, Tactics, theory, war, youtube | 9 comments
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