August 19th, 2019 by Charles Cameron
Posted in 2019, 2050, analogical, analogy, Australia, bbc, britain, california, Charles Cameron, climate, Doublequotes, france, global warming, horizontal thinking, london, paris, scots, spain, Uncategorized | Comments Off on City analogues and climate change 2019-2050
May 28th, 2019 by Charles Cameron
Posted in advertising, analogical, analogy, analytic, Charles Cameron, creativity, genetics, horizontal thinking, magic, movies, music, opposites / coincidentia, parallel, poetry, series, Uncategorized | Comments Off on The Magic in Advertising series — rhyming, twinning, pattern recognition
April 5th, 2019 by Charles Cameron
Posted in ada lovelace, ali minai, analogical, analogy, babbage, Charles Cameron, complexity, computers, government, justknecht, mathematics, metaphor, mike sellers, pattern language, Patterns, three, Tony Judge, Uncategorized | 3 comments
June 17th, 2018 by Charles Cameron
Posted in analogical, analogy, Charles Cameron, iran, madness, mathematics, metaphor, north korea, question, Questions, rational / irrational, Uncategorized | Comments Off on If our toes were our fingers, if Pyongyang was Tehran
February 11th, 2018 by Charles Cameron
Posted in analogical, analogy, Charles Cameron, complex systems, complexity, donald trump, Evolution, love, magic, model, mueller, paradox, Patterns, simulation, sports, systems thinking, war | 1 comment