Archive for the 'connectivity'
December 1st, 2011 by zen
John Robb at Global Guerrillas had a nice primer...
Read morePosted in cognition, connectivity, ideas, insight, intellectuals, john boyd, john robb, metacognition, Perception, robb, strategy, synthesis | 21 comments
November 2nd, 2011 by zen
This has some possible geopolitical...
Read morePosted in 21st century, capitalism, connectivity, diplomacy, dystopia, economic determinism, economics, europe, Evolution, Failed State, geopolitics, globalization, government, Oligarchy, organizations, reform, state failure | 15 comments
September 28th, 2011 by Charles Cameron
Posted in al qaida, analogy, analytic, Apocalyptic, attention, barnett, Charles Cameron, complex systems, connectivity, Doublequotes, futurism, globalization, graphical thinking, horizontal thinking, insight, intelligence, map, national security, OSINT, Perception, security, Uncategorized, visualization | Comments Off on Mapping our interdependencies and vulnerabilities [with a glance at Y2K]
September 28th, 2011 by Charles Cameron
Posted in ancient history, Apocalyptic, Archaeology, Charles Cameron, christianity, connectivity, Doublequotes, egypt, Israel, Religion, Theology, Uncategorized | 2 comments
September 26th, 2011 by zen
Part II. This is the second part of a series...
Read morePosted in 21st century, academia, America, analytic, connectivity, diplomacy, diplomatic history, dystopia, fisking, foreign policy, geopolitics, government, ideas, intellectuals, international law, legal, legitimacy, military, national security, philosophy, politics, R2P, rule-sets, Slaughter, social science, theory, Uncategorized | 7 comments
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