Archive for the 'open-source'
December 2nd, 2010 by Charles Cameron
Posted in 16th century, 21st century, al qaida, analytic, Charles Cameron, complex systems, conspiracy, games, ideas, islamist, metacognition, military intelligence, myth, network theory, non-state actors, open-source, rambling, Religion, Uncategorized | 3 comments
September 28th, 2010 by zen
Good friend and co-author Michael Lotus, a.k.a....
Read morePosted in America, analogy, analytic, authors, chicago boyz, conservativism, culture, democracy, democratic party, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, lexington green, Liberalism, networks, Oligarchy, open-source, organizations, politics, primary loyalties, Republic, republican party | 10 comments
June 15th, 2010 by zen
John has a nice interview with futurist and...
Read morePosted in 21st century, 4GW, 5GW, America, analytic, authors, brave new war, complex systems, dystopia, economics, Evolution, Failed State, ideas, innovation, insurgency, intellectuals, john robb, legitimacy, Mexico, national security, non-state actors, open-source, resilience, robb, security, society, superempowered individuals, theory, transnational criminal organization, Viral, war, warriors | 9 comments
April 29th, 2010 by zen
From the Strategy Conference…..
Posted in 2010, 21st century, 4GW, 5GW, 9/11, academia, Afghanistan, al qaida, America, analytic, COIN, complexity, counterinsurgency, government, hammes, historians, insurgency, intellectuals, military, military history, military reform, Network-centric Warfare, networks, non-state actors, open-source, organizations, primary loyalties, security, social networks, society, soft power, state failure, strategy, Strategy and War, superempowered individuals, terrorism, theory, war, warriors | Comments Off on Hammes – Who Participates in War?
April 12th, 2010 by zen
Matt Armstrong has a must-read, incisive, take...
Read morePosted in 21st century, America, analytic, attention, bias, blogosphere, conspiracy, Cyberwar, disinformation, framing, globalization, ideas, innovation, insurgency, intellectuals, international law, IO, islam.insurgency, islamic world, islamist, military, mountainrunner, myth, non-state actors, open-source, Perception, politics, propaganda, psychology, public diplomacy, radical transparency, social networks, soft power, theory, war, web 2.0, youtube | 3 comments
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