Archive for the 'extremists'
November 3rd, 2011 by zen
I don’t think of STRATFOR as a cyber shop,...
Read morePosted in 3 gen gangs, 4GW, 5GW, analytic, Cyberwar, extremists, futurism, gangs, IO, Mexico, non-state actors, organizations, Stratfor, Tactics, war | 2 comments
October 20th, 2011 by zen
Here is something for the learned readership to...
Read morePosted in 20th century, 4GW, academia, Afghanistan, America, analytic, COIN, cold war, Communism, consilience, counterinsurgency, cultural intelligence, culture, DIME, diplomatic history, empire, extremists, feedback, foreign policy, Geography, geopolitics, government, history, IC, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, intelligence, international law, IO, islam.insurgency, islamic world, islamist, military, military history, national security, network theory, networks, non-state actors, pakistan, politics, primary loyalties, reader response, russia, security, social science, soviet union, state failure, strategy, Strategy and War, synthesis, Tactics, terrain, terrorism, theory, totalitarianism, transnational criminal organization, tribes, USMC, war, warriors | 19 comments
October 15th, 2011 by Charles Cameron
Posted in #FAIL, africa, analytic, Apocalyptic, Charles Cameron, democracy, diplomatic history, disinformation, extremists, gangs, insurgency, islamist, legal, non-state actors, Religion, scriptures, tribes, Uncategorized | 3 comments
October 12th, 2011 by zen
The US Attorney General Eric Holder, supported...
Read morePosted in 4GW, 5GW, America, barack obama, bill richardson, conspiracy, criminals, extremists, FBI, fisking, foreign policy, gangs, geopolitics, government, illegal combatants, IO, iran, islamic world, islamist, justice, Mexico, mideast, national security, non-state actors, pasdaran, security, state department, state terrorism, terrorism, transnational criminal organization | 4 comments
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