March 28th, 2015 by Charles Cameron
Posted in analogy, Charles Cameron, Cyberwar, Doublequotes, humor, literature, metaphor, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Only connect..
January 23rd, 2015 by zen
Posted in Cyberwar, fun, futurism, IC, ideas, imaginal, innovation, internet, revolution, science, tech | 2 comments
January 24th, 2014 by zen
Posted in 20th century, 21st century, analytic, CNAS, cybernetics, Cyberwar, defense, drones, futurism, intellectuals, military, robotics, science, strategy, Strategy and War, tech, theory, think tanks, war | 7 comments
November 24th, 2013 by Charles Cameron
Posted in art, Charles Cameron, Cyberwar, Doublequotes, education, egypt, europe, france, games, India, Islam, language, literature, media, movies, nairobi, new york times, obama, republican party, scriptures, shabaab, Specs, state department, Taliban, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Serpent logics: the marathon