Archive for the 'criminals'
October 12th, 2011 by zen
The US Attorney General Eric Holder, supported...
Read morePosted in 4GW, 5GW, America, barack obama, bill richardson, conspiracy, criminals, extremists, FBI, fisking, foreign policy, gangs, geopolitics, government, illegal combatants, IO, iran, islamic world, islamist, justice, Mexico, mideast, national security, non-state actors, pasdaran, security, state department, state terrorism, terrorism, transnational criminal organization | 4 comments
September 29th, 2011 by zen
Are the Mata Zetas an open source...
Read morePosted in 21st century, 3 gen gangs, 4GW, analytic, COIN, counterinsurgency, criminals, insurgency, Latin America, Mexico, military, national security, networks, non-state actors, open-source, primary loyalties, war, warriors | 6 comments
September 16th, 2011 by zen
Dr. Robert Bunker testifies before the House...
Read morePosted in 3 gen gangs, 4GW, academia, analytic, counterinsurgency, criminals, dystopia, Failed State, foreign policy, insurgency, intellectuals, Latin America, Mexico, military, national security, networks, non-state actors, primary loyalties, robert j. bunker, security, small wars journal, social science, state failure, swj blog, terrorism, theory, transnational criminal organization, war | 9 comments
September 4th, 2011 by zen
Adam Elkus has a smart piece up at Rethinking...
Read morePosted in 21st century, A.E., America, analytic, black globalization, blogosphere, conspiracy, criminals, culture, democracy, dystopia, Failed State, foreign policy, globalization, government, ideas, leadership, legitimacy, national security, networks, new york times, non-state actors, Oligarchy, politics, primary loyalties, radical transparency, reform, social networks, society, state failure, theory | 7 comments
August 19th, 2011 by zen
That are complementary: Fabius Maximus...
Read morePosted in 21st century, America, analytic, capitalism, complex systems, complexity, connectivity, conspiracy, corporations, criminals, dystopia, economic determinism, economics, fabius maximus, government, ideas, john robb, national security, Oligarchy | 11 comments
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