Archive for the 'reform'
November 25th, 2011 by zen
SWJ Blog – COIN is Alive: Know When to Use...
Read morePosted in A.E., COIN, counterinsurgency, cultural intelligence, government, ideas, intellectuals, military, military reform, organizations, politics, reform, social science, swj blog, theory | 15 comments
November 2nd, 2011 by zen
This has some possible geopolitical...
Read morePosted in 21st century, capitalism, connectivity, diplomacy, dystopia, economic determinism, economics, europe, Evolution, Failed State, geopolitics, globalization, government, Oligarchy, organizations, reform, state failure | 15 comments
October 30th, 2011 by zen
This SSI monograph by Dr. Andrew Mumford should...
Read morePosted in 21st century, academia, analytic, army, britain, COIN, cold war, counterinsurgency, counterpoint, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, military, military reform, myth, Perception, reform, SSI, strategy, Strategy and War, Tactics, war | 3 comments
October 18th, 2011 by zen
A fascinating online discussion between US Army...
Read morePosted in 21st century, America, analytic, army, authors, Character, counterinsurgency, culture, debate, dystopia, gian gentile, leadership, legitimacy, military, national security, politics, reform, small wars journal, society, strategy, Tactics, Vietnam War, Viral, war | 7 comments
October 8th, 2011 by zen
Nice catch by Bruce Kesler who goes en fuego on...
Read morePosted in 21st century, academia, America, analytic, Arab Spring, democracy, democratic party, dystopia, economics, egalitarianism, elections, extremists, fisking, foreign policy, government, ideas, intellectuals, kesler, Liberalism, logic, networks, non-state actors, Oligarchy, politics, R2P, reform, Republic, rule-sets, Slaughter, society | 7 comments
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