Archive for the 'public diplomacy'
April 16th, 2012 by zen
One of the nice things about this blog is that...
Read morePosted in 21st century, Afghanistan, America, analytic, army, authors, COIN, counterinsurgency, cultural intelligence, defense, DIME, feedback, Foreign Internal Defense, foreign policy, government, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, IO, islam.insurgency, islamic world, military, military reform, national security, organizations, public diplomacy, security, social science, society, state building, state department, strategy, Strategy and War, Tactics, Taliban, theory, tribes, USMC, war, warriors | 6 comments
March 30th, 2012 by zen
Two posts worth your attention: Gulliver at...
Read morePosted in analytic, blogosphere, DIME, diplomacy, disinformation, foreign policy, government, ideas, intellectuals, IO, military, mountainrunner, national security, organizations, Perception, politics, propaganda, public diplomacy, society, state building, state department, strategy, Strategy and War, Uncategorized, war | Comments Off on More on Strategy
March 20th, 2012 by zen
Jason Fritz at Inkspots had a thoughtful post...
Read morePosted in 21st century, Afghanistan, analytic, blogosphere, chet richards, counterinsurgency, DIME, diplomacy, foreign policy, geopolitics, government, ideas, intellectuals, IO, iraq, islamic world, john boyd, military, national security, Perception, politics, public diplomacy, soft power, state building, strategist, strategy, theory, war | 5 comments
March 19th, 2012 by Charles Cameron
Posted in America, art, atheists, Charles Cameron, computers, connectivity, creativity, cultural intelligence, david ronfeldt, diplomacy, graphical thinking, iran, Israel, public diplomacy, Specs, Uncategorized | Comments Off on The Facebook pages of public diplomacy & the Billboards of unbelief
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