Archive for the 'defense'
April 29th, 2010 by zen
Martin van Creveld opens the Strategy...
Read morePosted in 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, 3 gen gangs, 4GW, 5GW, academia, ancient history, cultural intelligence, culture, defense, education, futurism, government, historians, ideas, legal, legitimacy, military, military history, military reform, national security, non-state actors, primary loyalties, society, state failure, strategy, Strategy and War, theory, war | 5 comments
April 20th, 2010 by zen
Two items: RAND emeritus David Ronfeldt called...
Read morePosted in 4GW, 5GW, America, Blogroll, cognition, complexity, david ronfeldt, defense, education, Epistemology, freedom, freeplay, futurism, government, horizontal thinking, ideas, intellectuals, leadership, liberty, metacognition, national security, philosophy, psychology, resilience, risk, scenario, security, society, teaching, theory, uncertainty, vertical thinking | 5 comments
April 19th, 2010 by zen
I continue to be impressed with Dr. John...
Read morePosted in 21st century, 4GW, academia, Afghanistan, al qaida, America, analytic, army, book, britain, COIN, connectivity, counterinsurgency, counterintuitive, defense, DIME, Epistemology, extremists, foreign policy, government, hierarchy, history, IC, ideas, illegal combatants, insurgency, intellectuals, IO, islam.insurgency, islamic world, islamist, john nagl, kilcullen, military, military reform, national security, networks, non-state actors, organizations, politics, primary loyalties, security, social science, strategy, Strategy and War, terrorism, theory, tribes, virtual states, war, warriors, web 2.0 | 9 comments
April 8th, 2010 by zen
A couple of internet amigos who are hard-core...
Read morePosted in authors, Clausewitz Roundtable, defense, ideas, intellectuals, lexington green, military, military history, philosophy, security, small wars journal, strategy, Strategy and War, swj blog, theory, war | 3 comments
April 7th, 2010 by zen
Andrew Exum said the Surge succeeded. Dr. Bernard...
Read morePosted in academia, America, arab world, bias, blogosphere, CNAS, cognition, COIN, complexity, counterinsurgency, defense, Epistemology, fisking, foreign policy, government, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, iraq, islamic world, mideast, military, military history, national security, politics, rambling, social science, state building, strategy, Strategy and War, theory, tribes, vertical thinking, war | 12 comments
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