Archive for the 'connectivity'
December 5th, 2010 by zen
Remember this much ridiculed visual monstrosity?:...
Read morePosted in 21st century, academia, Afghanistan, analytic, attention, brain, cognition, COIN, complex systems, complexity, connectivity, counterinsurgency, framing, futurism, horizontal thinking, ideas, intellectuals, intelligence, metacognition, network theory, networks, organizations, Perception, powerpoint, psychology, Questions, recommended viewing, scenario, science, social networks, social science, society, strategy, TED, theory, web 2.0 | 8 comments
December 5th, 2010 by Charles Cameron
by Charles Cameron Read more
Read morePosted in al qaida, America, analytic, attention, Charles Cameron, chicago boyz, connectivity, consilience, counterintuitive, criminals, cultural intelligence, defense, deterrence, diplomacy, disinformation, Epistemology, extremists, foreign policy, geopolitics, horizontal thinking, ideas, insight, insurgency, intellectuals, intelligence, media, meme, national security, Perception, propaganda, psychology, Religion, security, social science, symmetry, synthesis, theory, Uncategorized | 1 comment
November 18th, 2010 by zen
Historyguy99, who has a lot of...
Read morePosted in 21st century, academia, analytic, china, connectivity, culture, economics, foreign policy, geopolitics, historians, history, ideas, intellectuals, military, national security, Perception, politics | Comments Off on Sinophilia
November 1st, 2010 by zen
John Seely Brown, who is the co-author of The...
Read morePosted in 21st century, 4GW, academia, analytic, authors, cognition, complex systems, connectivity, consilience, counterintuitive, creativity, education, Epistemology, futurism, hagel, hierarchy, ideas, innovation, intellectuals, intelligence, leadership, metacognition, networks, politics, primary loyalties, psychology, public school, social networks, social science, society, soft power, theory | Comments Off on John Seely Brown: “The Power of Pull”
October 30th, 2010 by zen
Charles Cameron is the regular...
Read morePosted in academia, analogy, analytic, brain, Charles Cameron, cognition, complexity, connectivity, conspiracy, counterintuitive, creativity, cultural intelligence, Epistemology, IC, ideas, insight, intellectuals, intelligence, myth, networks, OSINT, Perception, psychology, social science, theory | 4 comments
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