Archive for the 'analytic'
December 12th, 2012 by zen
An excellent post from Adam Elkus –...
Read morePosted in A.E., analytic, blog-friends, blogosphere, Failed State, government, historians, history, ideas, intellectuals, IR, markets, military, military history, national security, network theory, networks, non-state actors, Patterns, Perception, politics, primary loyalties, revolution, security, social networks, social science, society, state building, state failure, theory, transnational criminal organization, tribes, uncertainty, war | 10 comments
December 4th, 2012 by zen
To Lexington Green and James Bennett, for...
Read morePosted in 21st century, Adaptability, America, analytic, authors, blog-friends, book, chicago boyz, conservativism, contemplative, creativity, critical thinking, culture, democracy, freedom, futurism, government, historiography, history, ideas, innovation, insight, intellectuals, leadership, legitimacy, lexington green, liberty, Patterns, Perception, philosophy, politics, primary loyalties, psychology, reading, reform, republican party, resilience, revolution, security, social science, society, strategy, symbolism, synthesis, theory, uncertainty, Writing | 2 comments
November 29th, 2012 by Charles Cameron
Posted in analogy, analytic, Charles Cameron, cognition, counterintuitive, creativity, critical thinking, dialog, education, fiction, games, graphical thinking, horizontal thinking, IC, ideas, literature, logic, medici effect, music, personal, quant & qualit, recommended viewing, rethinking thinking, Sembl, Uncategorized, wicked problems | 3 comments
November 27th, 2012 by zen
Scott Shipman had an excellent book review post...
Read morePosted in analytic, attention, brain, cognition, counterintuitive, creativity, emotion, ideas, innovation, insight, intellectuals, intelligence, J. Scott Shipman, lexington green, paradox, Perception, psychology, rambling, science, social science, society, synthesis, theory, Zen | 8 comments
November 26th, 2012 by zen
Just saw the Steven Spielberg epic Lincoln. ...
Read morePosted in 19th century, 2012, 20th century, 21st century, America, analytic, Character, democracy, history, ideas, leadership, military, military history, movies, politics, reform, Republic, republican party, sacrifice, society, strategy | 13 comments
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