December 30th, 2014 by Charles Cameron
Posted in analytic, art, art history, Charles Cameron, critical thinking, Doublequotes, Hipbone Analysis, horizontal thinking, medici effect, metacognition, movies, Uncategorized, vertical thinking | Comments Off on Camera angle: the place of aesthetics in analytics
December 12th, 2014 by Charles Cameron
Posted in adam elkus, anthropology, bach, blogosphere, Buddhist, change, Charles Cameron, cognition, Collaboration, community, comparative, complex systems, computers, connectivity, constraint, cooperation, counterpoint, creativity, critical thinking, cybernetics, debate, democracy, Design, dialog, diplomacy, emotion, feedback, form, futurism, Glass Bead Game, graphical thinking, Hipbone Analysis, Hipbone Games, honor, Humanitarian, imagination, innovation, insight, intelligence, interdisciplinary, internet, judaism, language, literature, logic, media literacy, medici effect, metacognition, music, Musings, negotiation, nuance / subtlety, paradox, psychology, public diplomacy, rethinking thinking, scriptures, synthesis, Theology, twitter, Uncategorized, virtues, visualization | 15 comments
January 2nd, 2014 by Charles Cameron
Posted in Charles Cameron, Doublequotes, games, Glass Bead Game, Hipbone Analysis, Hipbone Games, Sembl, twitter, Uncategorized | Comments Off on The White House, Games, and HipBone/Sembl — today