March 23rd, 2010 by zen
Freedom (TM) by Daniel Suarez Shlok and John...
Read morePosted in 21st century, authors, book, Collaboration, complex systems, connectivity, culture, cyberpunk, Cyberwar, Failed State, fiction, fun, futurism, ideas, john robb, networks, reading, resilience, science fiction, shlok, social networks, society, web 2.0 | 3 comments
January 21st, 2010 by zen
Complicit: How Greed and Collusion Made the...
Read morePosted in 21st century, analytic, authors, book, business, capitalism, complex systems, complexity, computers, connectivity, corporations, criminals, Cyberwar, economics, government, IC, ideas, IntelFusion, intellectuals, intelligence, international law, national security, networks, non-state actors, OSINT, reading, security, society, strategy, terrorism, theory, transnational criminal organization, Viral, virtual states, war, web 2.0 | 9 comments
December 12th, 2009 by zen
In a burst of raw self-interest – and also...
Read morePosted in 3 gen gangs, 4GW, authors, barnett, book, brave new war, capitalism, cognition, Cyberwar, defense, foreign policy, futurism, gangs, gap, geopolitics, global guerillas, globalization, government, ideas, intellectuals, intelligence, metacognition, military, military reform, national security, non-state actors, PNM, politics, primary loyalties, psychology, recommended reading, robb, sociobiology, soft power, state building, state failure, state terrorism, strategy, Strategy and War, terrorism, theory, Threats in the Age of Obama, war, warriors | 6 comments
June 26th, 2008 by zen
At the most excellent site Jihadica, I found this...
Read morePosted in 4GW, Cyberwar, ideas, insurgency, islamist, legitimacy, lind, networks, non-state actors, primary loyalties, state building, strategy, terrorism, theory, virtual states, william lind | 3 comments
June 20th, 2008 by zen
Courtesy of blogfriend and cybersecurity guru...
Read morePosted in Cyberwar, john arquilla, Podcast | Comments Off on Podcast: Arquilla on CyberWar