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Stocking Stuffers……

In a burst of raw self-interest – and also a little love for my blogfriends – these books make nifty gifts for any war nerd or deep thinker on your Christmas list:

The John Boyd Roundtable: Debating Science, Strategy, and War – Mark Safranski (Ed.)


Threats in the Age of Obama – Michael Tanji (Ed.)

Great Powers: America and the World After Bush – Thomas P.M. Barnett

Brave New War: The Next Stage of Terrorism and the End of Globalization – John Robb

Science, Strategy and War: The Strategic Theory of John Boyd – Frans Osinga


The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism  by Howard Bloom

Intelligence and How to Get It: Why Schools and Cultures Count  by Richard Nisbett

Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld  by Jeffrey Carr

This Is for the Mara Salvatrucha: Inside the MS-13, America’s Most Violent Gang  by Samuel Logan

Full Disclosure:

In copmpliance with new Federal regulations of dubious Constitutional merit, I hearby declare ZP does not accept money for publishing reviews or any paid advertising. Courtesy review copies were extended to me by authors or publishers acting on behalf of Sam Logan, Tom Barnett and Jeff Carr. I edited the first book in this post and was a contributing author to the second one. All of the books, with the exception of Cyber Warfare have been the subject of prior reviews or posts at ZP.

6 Responses to “Stocking Stuffers……”

  1. Shlok Says:

    Have you gotten your copy of CyberWarfare yet? I haven’t. 

  2. J. Scott Says:

    Amazon says CyberWarfare hasn’t been released…I have it pre-ordered. I ordered "Threats" as well…and have read some of the others. I’ve hawked it here before, but The Law of the Somalis is a great book on  understanding the divide between the jurisprudence of the West and the tribal traditions in many corners of the world.

  3. zen Says:

    Hi Shlok, Hi Scott,
    Cyberwarfare has not been released yet. Jeff is sending a couple of review copies out early but they have yet to arrive. If it gets here early enough, I’ll try to put up a review before Christmas.

  4. Fred Leland Says:

    The Boyd Roundtable, Science, Strategy and War, Brave New War and Great Powers all great reads. I will pick up the Book on MS-13 for my own stocking. 🙂

  5. zen Says:

    Thanks for the kind words Fred!

  6. Shlok Says:

    Heh. Sorry, was asking about the review copy (I’m slated for one too). 

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