March 31st, 2010 by zen
Dr. Steve Metz of SSI takes on a theme of the...
Read morePosted in 21st century, academia, Afghanistan, al qaida, America, analytic, arab world, counterinsurgency, cultural intelligence, defense, diplomacy, diplomatic history, extremists, foreign policy, geopolitics, government, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, islamic world, islamist, mideast, national security, non-state actors, pakistan, politics, public diplomacy, security, steven metz, strategy, Strategy and War, terrorism, theory, tribes, war | 8 comments
March 29th, 2010 by zen
Dr. Tom Barnett had an excellent WPR column on...
Read morePosted in barnett, blogging, blogosphere, cognition, Collaboration, creativity, feedback, ideas, insight, intellectuals, metacognition, open-source, personal, psychology, reader response, readers, tech, theory, web 2.0 | 8 comments
March 28th, 2010 by zen
A great article in World Politics Review by Josh...
Read morePosted in 21st century, analytic, art hutchinson, bias, CIA, cognition, complex systems, complexity, connectivity, consilience, counterintuitive, creativity, Epistemology, framing, futurism, government, horizontal thinking, IC, ideas, insight, intellectuals, intelligence, medici effect, metacognition, military intelligence, national security, Perception, psychology, scenario, social science, society, synthesis, theory | 6 comments
March 26th, 2010 by zen
My kit from The Genographic Project is finally...
Read morePosted in personal, Prehistoric, science | 8 comments
March 24th, 2010 by zen
Dr. Chet Richards argues the case.
Posted in 20th century, America, chet richards, government, history, nixon, politics | 10 comments